Configure Gentoo to use Nitrokey Pro to unlock LUKS root partition
This guide was based on genkernel-next, which in July 2020 were masked in the portage, for this reason I switched my system to genkernel and I have written this updated guide:
Configure Gentoo to use Nitrokey Pro to unlock LUKS root partition, using genkernel
Please, follow the above link if you want to configure your Gentoo’s initramfs to unlock LUKS partition with root file system.
In this post I’ll show you how to unlock LUKS disk (with root partition / file system) using the Nitrokey Pro 2 Password Safe.
This guide is only tested on my Gentoo box, SO BE CAREFUL, YOU CAN MAKE YOUR GENTOO UNBOOTABLE.
Install nitrokey application
First install nitro-app
# emerge --ask app-crypt/nitrokey-app
now, configure the Nitrokey Pro 2 following the official documentation, changing the pin and the admin pin, and creating, under the Password Safe tab a new entry with LUKS Slot name
Copy the password, because we need to add it to LUKS
Add new passphrase to LUKS
Just add the new passphrase to LUKS (copied from Nitrokey App), for me the LUKS partition is /dev/sda2, but verify on your system
# cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdaX
Enter any existing passphrase: <-- insert the current passphrase
Enter new passphrase for key slot: <-- insert the new generated passphrase
Verify passphrase: <-- insert the new generated passphrase
now you can see two key slot for your device
# cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda2
LUKS header information for /dev/sda2
Version: 1
Cipher name: aes
Cipher mode: xts-plain64:sha512
Hash spec: sha256
Payload offset: 4096
MK bits: 512
MK digest: 5a 08 78 7b 00 fb 82 0a e1 4e 73 e8 fc 12 6e ed d5 a3 82 ab
MK salt: 21 8b 08 02 8f 8a 17 42 7a 85 bc 6c af cd 6c fb
82 27 0e 1e 24 27 1c 5f 7f 47 33 d7 03 e9 c3 a8
MK iterations: 164000
UUID: 85558b31-7351-4c5f-b283-2a58d4cd7b71
Key Slot 0: ENABLED
Iterations: 1311138
Salt: fa 5d 2b f5 1b 46 34 d0 61 dd 18 35 c3 00 5f fa
1c 23 5b 41 d1 6a 6e df e1 43 b4 8f e6 e2 a7 ad
Key material offset: 8
AF stripes: 4000
Key Slot 1: ENABLED
Iterations: 1344328
Salt: 10 cb 0a 59 60 15 85 cf 3c 00 d5 92 41 75 36 ba
62 aa b0 0f a3 00 d2 a1 7b aa 98 91 d5 73 57 ca
Key material offset: 512
AF stripes: 4000
Key Slot 2: DISABLED
Key Slot 3: DISABLED
Key Slot 4: DISABLED
Key Slot 5: DISABLED
Key Slot 6: DISABLED
Key Slot 7: DISABLED
Configure initramfs to use nitroluks
We’ll use the C++ source code kept from Nitroluks, who is a simple iterator from Nitrokey Pro 2 Password Safe slots, simple but very useful.
Configure genkernel-next to inject an overlay
Edit /etc/genkernel.conf with the following parameter
Create the initramfs overlay
Create the postbuild.d direcotry
# mkdir -p /etc/kernels/postbuild.d
Create a new script inside the postbuild.d directory
# touch /etc/kernels/postbuild.d/
# chmod 0754 /etc/kernels/postbuild.d/
Put this content inside the script file or download from here
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source /etc/genkernel.conf
mkdir -p ${INITRAMFS_OVERLAY}/{usr/lib64,usr/bin,lib64,bin,etc/initrd.d}
GIT_BIN=`which git`
GPLUS_BIN=`which g++`
CURL_BIN=`which curl`
#TODO: insert return codes and check them after every commands
# copy libnitrokey
cp /usr/lib64/* ${INITRAMFS_OVERLAY}/usr/lib64/
# copy libhidapi-libusb and libusb
cp /usr/lib64/* ${INITRAMFS_OVERLAY}/usr/lib64/
cp /lib64/* ${INITRAMFS_OVERLAY}/lib64/
NITROBUILD=$(mktemp -t -d nitrobuild.XXXXX)
mkdir -p ${NITROBUILD}/build
${GPLUS_BIN} ${NITROBUILD}/src/nitro_luks.c -o ${NITROBUILD}/build/nitro_luks -L${NITROBUILD}/build/ -Wall
cp ${NITROBUILD}/build/nitro_luks ${INITRAMFS_OVERLAY}/bin/
rm -rf ${NITROBUILD}
# we need to raise this file in the future, otherwise genkernel will overwrite it in initramfs
TZ=ZZZ0 touch -t "$(TZ=ZZZ-1:30 date +%Y%m%d%H%M.%S)" ${INITRAMFS_OVERLAY}/etc/initrd.d/${CRYPT_FILE}
Build a new kernel and a new initramfs
Let’s create a new kernel and a new initramfs with genkernel
# time genkernel --luks --lvm all
Configure grub
It’s time to configure grub
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Now, you can reboot your box and unlock LUKS with your Nitrokey.